Your BMM Team

Trevor J
Trevor J
1st generation Canadian born to parents of Caribbean decent, I've been fortunate enough to have completed my schooling at York U, raised a family and travelled the globe.
Alter Ego
Alter Ego
Living for passion has allowed me to pursue sports and develop live stage presence. From the hardwood floor of NBA basketball games to blockbuster film sets as a professional stunt performer.
Trevor B
Trevor B
Poet, Writer, believer of the subconscious power. Citizen of the galaxy. Helping souls connect with the essence of life in way of entertainment.
Alter Ego
Alter Ego
I believe we should spin our level of success through energy and hard work. So we can enjoy a bounty of wealth and endless perks.

Our Experience

Years Of Experience
Social Media Connects
Our team experience is very vast. From application development to performing elaborate stunts on movie sets, we cover it all. We develop using JavaScript frameworks like Ajax, jQuery and Prototype. Our cutting edge approach also includes multiple mediums such as video and film production, Previz animatic, 3D animation, drone photography, motion graphics using After Effects, digital photography and screen writing. We can build CMS using; Joomla, AngularJS, Wordpress and Drupal. Building apps in C# is one of many formats we can assist you in.... HOW CAN WE HELP?

as a team we work for you!

So·phis·ti·cat·ed... adj

As a digital communicator, we make sophistication simple, allowing us to reach your audience. adj

Our strength is digital media, the power lies in how we share your message and what the end user experiences. adj

With over 30 years of service combined, our trademark at BMM is reliability.

So.cial... adj

BMM is in the know, current and knowledgeable creating face to face relationships with our clients.